Oyster Catcher Substrate


Oyster Catcher™ is our patent-pending biodegradable hardscape composed of plant-fiber cloths and a mineral-based hardening agent.  After passing the cloth through a slurry of the binder, we wet form a wide-range of modular shapes designed for the creation of living shorelines, oyster-habitat restoration and oyster aquaculture.

SANDBAR holds the exclusive, world-wide license from UNC Chapel Hill to commercialize Oyster Catcher™ and related derivatives of the biodegradable hardscape for living shoreline creation, oyster and salt marsh habitat restoration and oyster aquaculture.  Patent applications have been filed in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Europe.

Oyster Catcher™ Products

Oyster Catcher™ – oyster culturing and reef building substrates – are composite materials derived from cement infusion of plant-based cloths. The unique physical features of Oyster Catcher™ offer ecological and logistic benefits for oyster habitat restoration not available from cast or printed cement/concrete products, oyster shell or other cultch materials (loose or contained), and rock or similar rubble materials.  Oyster Catcher™ features include: lightweight, highly textured surfaces, modularity, multiple anchoring points, elevation of reef frameworks above bottom, and ease of seeding if desired.